Monday, October 6, 2008

Wrap me in your arms

Last week was a rather intense. On the less earth shattering side the budgets from the black lagoon resurfaced again. I really wish our client would make up its mind as to what they really want to do. It’s kind of annoying to work for 3 or 4 hours on something for them to say – Oh by the way we want to change one little thing. One little thing equals about 2 more hours of work.

On the sad side I spent a lot of time with my friend Jo this week. His dad is in the hospital and will more than likely pass away within the next few months. I don’t know the technical words for what’s wrong but he has lung damage. He could make it a week, a month or even a year but because of his age (he’s in his 70’s) his body just isn’t bouncing back like it should. It’s really sad. I can’t imagine losing my dad period. Let alone in my early 20’s. So anyway, pray for Jo and his family. He’s the youngest of 8 and there are a lot of grandkids that are pretty sad that Grandpa is sick.

On the bright side (yes Pollyanna is my nickname :o) My weekend was nice and relaxing. I did about a million loads of laundry and rearranged my room. I really feel like my house is coming together finally! Also, we had a really amazing church service yesterday. Our praise team learned this song on Saturday and I reallllllllyyy love it!

Michael Gungor - Wrap Me in Your Arms

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