Tuesday, May 8, 2007


What to blog?

So I’ve been thinking. What exactly does one blog about? Is it random musings? Or actual events? So far my week has been rather dull. Work has been ok. I had a rather interesting conversation with a not so smart customer service representative from the City of Sacramento today. It actually put me in a rather foul mood. I was forced beyond my will to get a much needed manicure and pedicure after work to help me relax/unwind from the mental abuse I was put through. Maybe I should sue them for mental distress! HA!!! Now that would be funny…

Sue happy Americans

Actually, there has been a huge issue with people going sue crazy here in California. I guess there are these random people who go to older buildings and then sue the owners if they aren’t ADA compliant. They settle out of court for around $8,000 and then move on to the next property. The sad thing is though that the property owners are forced into doing hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs to make the buildings compliant. While, it is important to have these sites updated, a lot of the requirements are extreme. So Jo blow walks away with 8 grand and property owner has a huge hole in their pocket. Did I mention that Joe Blow isn’t disabled in anyway shape or form? Only in America.


Here are a few pictures from my recent trip to Sana Cruz. It was my first trip to a real beach. I’ve actually been to one of the beaches in San Fran but I figure that if you have to wear a coat to visit it doesn’t really count as the Beach. My friend Danny and I were able to find this nifty spot. He braved freezing cold water surfing while I practiced my photography.

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