Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Zion Leon

Zion Leon

Many of you may remember Mike, Andrea and Zion Leon from their time in Denver a few years ago. As you may know, Zion was diagnosed with Autism about 4 years ago. Zion is currently 8 years old, in the 3rd grade and attending Jefferson Elementary School in Sacramento. Zion is privileged to be in a specialized class room of only 6 students all which are Autistic. This allows Zion individual, specialized learning and care. Since entering this program Zion’s speech, writing and reading have greatly improved! His vocabulary has increase and he is able to site read/write many words and phrases.

This year Mike and Drea have asked me to help with donations for Zion’s class annual fundraiser. 100% of the proceeds are used directly for Zion’s class. All monies collected are utilized for computers, supplies, fieldtrips and classroom aides throughout the school year.

Zion will be participating in a class jog on October 5th. Last year he ran 8 laps on his own! He had a great time (he likes to play tag. He thought he was chasing the kids around the track!). Zion’s personal goal is $500. If you are interested in donating please contact me for details. Donations are due to the school by October 4, 2007.

Thank you for your love and support! Zion is a GREAT kid and I know he and his family appreciate your help!

Facts About Autism
Autism is a developmental disability, which usually begins before 3 years of age and is a life-long disability.
The incidence of autism is approximately 1 out of every 150 births.
People with autism have a normal life span.
Autism is 4-5 times more prevalent in males than in females.
Presently, there is no cure for autism. However, there are various treatment options to ameliorate the symptoms.
Presently, there is no known single cause for autism. However, autism is not caused environmentally by a child's upbringing.
Research indicates that people with autism learn best through a structured environment.
Autism occurs in all countries and within all socioeconomic classes.
Research indicates that the earlier the intervention, the better for people with autism.
Source – New Horizons in Autism www.nhautism.org

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