Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Jesus Take the Wheel

I came across this the other day when I was reading through some things I had jotted down. I wrote it a little over a year ago. I thought I'd re-post it. It's still as true today as it was a year ago!


I had a conversation yesterday with a friend about letting God control your life. Letting God control my life is something that I really struggle with. I am one of those people who really like structure, organization, planning, and order. I like to know where I’m going, when I’ll be there, how I’m going to get there, and what I’m going to do when I arrive. The lord has really been dealing with me about it lately and I relayed this analogy to my friend that has helped me stop and let God do the work. Say you are a passenger in a car and God is the driver. You start out on your journey by jumping in the car with both feet. Not really caring where you’ll end up and just excited to spend some time with God. As you drive you start talking to the Lord and He starts to tell you a little bit about where you’re going and what you’re going to do. After a while you start to get impatient. It seems like it’s taking forever to get to your destination. Looking at the highway a head you realize that you are about to hit traffic and that will delay your arrival even more. You casually mention to God that you know a shorter route that would avoid much of the traffic a head. God thanks your for your input but continues down the road toward the traffic. Now you’re annoyed. You KNOW that the other way is much faster so instead of just trusting that God has you on the right path you yank the wheel out of His hands in the direction of your short cut. As soon as you take the wheel BAM! You’re in an accident. You were lucky this time it was just a minor fender bender. Not major damage other than being shaken up and a little bit sore. But now you’re off the highway. You wind and twist and have several near misses with accidents. Finally you realize that you’re lost. So you swallow your pride and hand the wheel back to God. It takes a little navigation but before you know it you’re back on the highway headed to your destination. Along the drive you forget that God is, well God, and you take the wheel a few more times and unfortunately get into a few more accidents and eventually lost, again. You even blame God along the way for a bit of it! (how silly we are!!) However, the Lord is patient and always there to help when asked but like a gentleman He never forces His will on us. Eventually, you are so tired and bruised from all the accidents that you just give up and completely give Him the wheel. You are tired, hurt, frustrated, your car is in pieces and is barely running. But as soon as God has the wheel He drives you straight to the dealership for a tune up. Before you know it you and your car are as good as new! With God behind the wheel you start back on the highway and on your path. While He’s driving you start talking to each other more. You realize that while you had the wheel you were so focused on getting yourself out of the messes you got yourself into that you had neglected your relationship with Him. The more you talk to Him the more you realize that He DOES know exactly where you’re going and how to get you there. You do still run into traffic and hit a few pot holes along the way. But the ride is much smoother and the ware and tare on your vehicle is much less. I know it’s easier said that done but letting God take the wheel really is the best option out there. It’s not always fun or easy. It’s often painful and confusing. But ultimately God does have a plan and we will get where He wants us to go.

1 comment:

Anthony and Kristi said...

That's very good and well said! It's hard to remember sometimes that God really does know what's best for us and He'll lead us if we let Him! Thanks for posting!!