Monday, September 8, 2008

I know nothing for months then two in 1 day!

I think I have A.D.D. today. I am trying really hard to crank out a budget but it’s just not working. Maybe I need to get up from my desk and stretch my legs for a bit? Perhaps food might help my tired brain focus…Maybe I’m tired? I think I stayed up too late last night. In fact I know I did. I made the unwise decision of taking at 2 hour nap on the couch Sunday afternoon and then not exercising until 7 pm. Not that exercise is bad but when you start later you have more energy and you don’t sleep. Not sure how the exact science behind works but I’m sure it’s true. Either that or it’s an urban ledged and I read it on the internet.

Today is a weird day for sure. I can’t focus. My mind won’t stop running in a bazillion different directions. Unfortunately, none of those directions are toward my budget. I think I’m going to have to work late tonight to make up for it… I had weird news, followed by a weird reaction to weird news. Weird events took place at one of the properties I manage (weird as in people getting it on in the parking lot right next to my car). Yeah. I want to burn my eyes out of their sockets lol. It’s like the day of weirdness…gotta love Monday’s!

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